Sunday, May 22, 2011

T-0 to my staycation!!!

So this is how today started...
My alarm woke me up at 7:30 am.  I, however, decided to turn the alarm off.  Now for those who know me, know that I am a snoozer.  I do not wake up with the first sound of the alarm, pop out of the bed, sing a Mary Poppins tune, and start off my day.  I tell myself those sweet sweet words of "Come can sleep 5 more minutes".  To fit my snoozing into the schedule of dolling myself up for work, (I do not like walking out of the house without make up because I look like a crack whore in need of a fix or a sick albino)  I set my alarm for 7:00 and sleep in aditional half an hour, waking up at 7:30, giving me exactly and hour to do what I need to do not to give little children nightmares at night.  Last night I felt the need to watch J.T. on SNL because, well why wouldn't you?  This made me really tired and I decided that I will set my alarm for 7:30am.  I forgot my whole snoozing routine which made me get up at 8:00 am instead.  I woke up with the feeling of "HOLY SHIT!!! I'M LATE!".  Having my minor heart attack, I got up and went on with my routine cutting it in half.  It didn't help that I kept on banging cupboards and dropping everything which made me think, "This is what today is going to be like o.O".
Today went by really slowly but in the end I persevered and my STAYCATION IS ON BITCHES!!!
I will document it everyday so the few of you who are actually reading this, will not get those precious minutes back (Insert evil laughter here)
With this I shall end this and hopefuly blab some more later.
p.s. Tron soundtrack is the shizzle...just sayin.

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