Thursday, July 26, 2012

Get ready for the onslaught..

So it has been a while...yet again.  Now that I have some time off between work and impending motherhood I figured this is as good time as any to finally update my bloggity blog.  I hope you are all ready (what all 5 of you? haha) for what's about to come your way.  I will start off with a little reminiscing about my wedding and hopefully share a few photos (this might come in stages since my regular computer conked out and all my pictures are on there).  After that I will share my Cuba experience with pics of course and eventually lead you into my time as a pregnant woman (this might get a little descriptive as I'm all about telling you the truth and not sugar coating anything).  Remember...I did warn you.  :)  Let's do this in stages so this way I don't overwhelm you, the computer and my blog.
Sooo here we go.
P.s.  You know you haven't posted much on the blog when you log in and EVERYTHING has changed and you have no idea what the hell is going on here.

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